A letter from the team

Dear Friends,

We really mean it when we say we hope this message finds you well. 

In light of the latest government advice on the COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to close The Bill Murray for an initial two weeks and likely longer, depending on how the situation develops. 

This is a tough and uncertain time for every single one of us. Yesterday was a very long day, sorting bits out, discussing with our wonderful staff, and trying to plan. And in the middle of that whirlwind of a day we also found out we won the Chortle Best London Comedy Venue! Thank you very very much to everyone who voted for us. This, combined with the conversations we’ve had with ticket-holders, acts and staff has truly brought home just how strong and loving this community is and how lucky we are to count every single one of you as part of it. 

To all of you who’ve been a part of this so far, a heartfelt thank you. We’re very proud of this little comedy club that could and thankful to our supportive, kind, enthusiastic and friendly community. 

We will be back soon, reloaded and full of beans.

But the venue is closed physically, not in spirit. We are working on ways we can keep supporting the comedy community.

We will start a nightly live stream this Sunday at 8PM. We will continue our courses on online platforms. And we will be bringing curated content from the brilliant minds of the comedians that make Angel Comedy through our social media and the community page on our website. If anyone has any ideas we’d love to hear from you. 

If you’d like to support us, please tune into our live streams. Spread the word about them. Follow us on social media. If you are in a position to do so, you can make donations here. But most importantly: stay safe, stay sane.

We hope our next email will find you even weller than ever before. In the meantime, our thoughts are with those affected by the virus,


Sarah, Barry, James, Dec, Simon, Lou, Aimee, Lucila, Siiri, Matt, Rory, Lois and the whole Angel Comedy crew

PS – Robin Ince is organising a stay at home festival

PPS – Our friends at Next Up have a whole bunch of shows to watch if you might like. With the code BILL you can get 30% off any yearly subscription.

PPPS – If you work for the NHS and are on this email list we’d like to try & speak for every single other person on this list and tell you we love you and thank you